Argentina, February 4, 1974

My dear Ted,

Thank you and Antoinette for the lovely ‘Rooster’ tie of ducks in flight, which reached me in London just before I left. It was awfully kind of you.

I missed you at Urbana [InterVarsity Missions Conference], and wished you had been able to come. Jim Hampson will have told you that he and I had a session one night. He seems still unable to commit himself to a true biblical doctrine of Scripture. But his reasons appear to be more emotional than rational. He said something like ‘You’ve got all the arguments’ or ‘all the arguments are on your side’, but then added he couldn’t accept our position all the same! I wonder how you assess his progress. [Jim Hampson became a firm believer in the authority and divine inspiration of Scripture and was one of the founders of Trinity Anglican Seminary]

I’ve found my Latin American trip very fascinating, and have kept both eyes and ears open to learn all I could. René Padilla has been travelling with me and interpreting. He’s an outstanding spiritual leader, deeply committed to the social and political implications of the Gospel. He bemoans the superficiality of Latin American Christianity. It seems that the IFES work [International Fellowship of Evangelical Students] down here has a unique contribution to make to church life, emphasizing (a) the rational dimension of the faith through bible study and exposition (b) the social (they operate both a farm and an adult literacy project in Peru) and (c) the reform of the churches. I’m on the last lap of my journey now, and fly back to London tomorrow week.

While in Chicago I had an appointment with an attorney re the possibility of incorporating the Langham Trust in the U.S., so that Americans can make tax-deductible contributions (Henrietta [Morris] and others have been pressing this on us). I’m wondering if you might yourself be willing to help? The L.T. now has 3 separate accounts (a) a general one, which has made donations to All Souls [Church, Langham Place, London] to buy specific items of equipment and could make other donations elsewhere, (b) the so-called ‘Stott fund’ which pays Frances’ [Whitehead] salary, and my fares to Third World countries, and (c) the London Lectures in Contemporary Christianity. I forget if I’ve told you about this. It’s a little brain-child of mine, though I sense your influence on it somewhere! The scheme is to endow an annual lectureship, inviting an evangelical scholar to give 5 or 6 lectures on a burning contemporary topic from a biblical perspective. The L.T. have agreed to be bankers, and the management committee include Jim Packer, Norman Anderson, Denis Osborne, Chua Wee Hian and myself (their job is simply to choose lecturer and topic). Hopefully the first 3 years will be (1) Prof J. Miguez-Bonin, (Latin America’s No.1 Protestant theologian) on ‘the worldwide challenge of Marxism’ (2) Prof Donald Mackay on Man and (3) Norman Anderson on the family.

Apparently there’d be no difficulty in establishing in Illinois a ‘not-for-profit corporation’ which might be called ‘the Langham Fund’ [now Langham Partnership]. It would be independent of the British L.T. but would have identical terms. It could receive earmarked donations and pass them ont to L.T., or pay some L.T. bills direct, and also make donations of its own. It could not become merely a ‘conduit’ to another organization (i.e. L.T.) which is not itself (from the American viewpoint) a tax-exempt charity.

We’d have at least 3 directors, who’d include a President, V/P and secretary-treasurer. Their burden of responsibility would be small if they are not expected to solicit funds, but rather to receive and disburse largely unsolicited donations. At least one must be resident in the U.S.. Will you be willing to serve? Indeed, I wondered if – because of our friendship and you 4 years on All Souls staff – you’d consider allowing me to nominate you to LT trustees (who still have to make final decisions) as President? It would be marvelous if you would. [His thoughts as to possible trustees follow]

At all events this is the scheme and the team I’d like to propose to the L.T. trustees. I very much hope you may consent to act as President, it would be a great help if you could let me know as soon as possible.

That seems to be all. I hope you and Antoinette are well; and I’m sure you’re happy! Any more thoughts about your future?

My love to you both.

Ever yours,



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