by | Nov 24, 2015 | Church, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Movies, Witness
RACHEL MCADAMS The movie Spotlight, directed by Thomas McCarthy, is a masterly portrayal of the Boston Globe team that investigated the Roman Catholic Archdiocesan cover-up of sexual abuse amongst its clergy. It stars Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, Michael Keaton,...
by | Nov 14, 2015 | Inspiration, Islam, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Movies, Politics, Sexuality, Suffering, The World
My wife and I went to see the movie SUFFRAGETTE. It is a powerful presentation of the movement to win voting rights for women in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century. Carey Mulligan plays the lead role of a working class mother who became involved in the...
by | Feb 26, 2015 | Inspiration, Islam, Movies, Politics, The World
I went to see Clint Eastwood’s movie, American Sniper, with my wife last week. I was curious about it because of all the controversy that has swirled around it. Fox News and most conservative commentators raved about it, while the liberal left condemned it. Viewing it...
by | Sep 4, 2014 | Movies, The World
Bill Weimer is my brother-in-law and a retired US Navy Chaplain and Pastor. This is his Movie Review of “WHEN THE GAME STANDS TALL” My Quick Comments: “Highly Recommended – I loved it, maybe even better than the movie “Blind Side”! “If you like sports…...
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