by | Jan 20, 2021 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Politics, Suffering, The World
Why is it that every person has character flaws, makes mistakes, says the wrong thing, alienates themselves from others, thinks he or she is better than others, never admits he or she is wrong and messes up when they have good intentions? It is because since the fall...
by | Jan 18, 2021 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Politics, Suffering, The World
There is so much hate, rage and conflict in the world. Where does it come from? We are called to love one another. Can education, censorship or legislation eliminate the source of hate? Christianity teaches the dignity and the degradation of humanity. What did Jesus...
by | Jan 12, 2021 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Politics, Prayer, Suffering, The World, Witness
As I slept last night my mind was troubled about many things. Before I awoke I had a vivid dream that I was in a church, a strange church to me, one that I had never been in before. I was invited to preach. As I walked up to the pulpit I noticed that the church was...
by | Dec 11, 2020 | Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Prayer, The World, Witness
The third Sunday in Advent reminds us of John the Baptist who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. He was the last in a long line of Hebrew prophets sent to prepare his listeners for the coming of the promised Messiah. He struck a chord in the hearts of his...
by | Nov 29, 2020 | Bible, Church, Inspiration, Jesus, Ministry, Prayer, The World, Witness, Worship
The Advent Wreath is meant to visually remind us of the themes of the season through the increasing coming of light to dispel darkness in the coming of the Messiah. Each Sunday a candle is lit with readings and prayers to emphasize the theme of the day. For example,...
by | Nov 27, 2020 | Jesus, Ministry, Prayer, Suffering, The World, Witness, Worship
While we are looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year as perhaps we have never done so before, we must not overlook the next four weeks when we celebrate the season of Advent. We need to observe it as a time of watching and waiting for the coming of Jesus in...
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