by | Dec 13, 2019 | Atheism, Faith, God, Inspiration, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Prayer, Suffering, The World
There has been much discussion recently on the growth of religious unbelief among young people. I have been asked what it would take for young people to become Christians. Here are some of my answers. A sense of guilt. The “requirements of the law are written on their...
by | Dec 5, 2019 | Church, Faith, God, Jesus, Prayer, Uncategorized
The Book of Common Prayer, in which I was raised and guided my worship every Sunday, begins the Christian Year with the First Sunday in Advent. The prayer (Collect) for that day to be repeated every day until Christmas Eve is the following: Almighty God, give us grace...
by | Nov 20, 2019 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Morality, Prayer, The World
What is common to the biblical concepts of the holiness and the wrath of God is the truth that they cannot coexist with sin. God’s holiness exposes sin; his wrath opposes it. So sin cannot approach God, and God cannot tolerate sin. Several vivid metaphors are used in...
by | Nov 16, 2019 | God, Jesus, Ministry, Suffering, The World, Worship
The cross enforces three truths – about ourselves, about God, and about Jesus Christ. First, our sin must be extremely horrible. Nothing reveals the gravity of sin like the cross. For ultimately what sent Christ there was neither the greed of Judas, nor the envy o f...
by | Nov 11, 2019 | Atheism, Bible, Church, Faith, God, Jesus, Ministry, Witness
Study of 1 John 4:1-21 4 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that...
by | Nov 3, 2019 | Faith, God, Inspiration, Suffering, The World, Witness
Henry T. Waskow was raised in the cotton country south of Temple, Texas, one of eight children in a family of German Baptists strapped enough to sew their clothes from flour sacking. Waskow was fair, blue-eyed, short and sober. A teenage lay minister, Waskow took...
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