by | Jul 8, 2021 | Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Morality, Movies, Politics, Reading, Science, Sexuality, Suffering, The World
When my grandson and I were working on a jigsaw puzzle I discovered that he was more adept than I in finding the pieces we were looking for to complete a section. I was wishing that the pieces were larger. I could see the big picture but found it hard to see which...
by | Jul 5, 2021 | Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Science, Witness, Worship
John Piper recalled eleven resolutions Clyde Kilby, professor at Wheaton College and C.S. Lewis scholar, made for staying alive to God’s glory in creation. At least once every day I shall look steadily up at the sky and remember that I, a consciousness with a...
by | Jul 2, 2021 | Abortion, Aging, Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Morality, Politics, Science, The World
Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow in their book, The Grand Design, maintain that God is not required for the existence of the universe. Instead the laws of gravity and quantum theory allow universes to appear spontaneously from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the...
by | Jun 28, 2021 | Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Morality
Why do you believe in God? I have already written in the previous posts about my first three reasons: the human mind, the moral sense and the witness of revelation. But fourthly, and finally, I believe in God because of the Reality of Love. I grew up with an older...
by | Jun 27, 2021 | Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Reading, Science
Why do you believe in God? I have already written in the previous posts about my first two reasons: the human mind, and the moral sense. But thirdly, I believe in God because of the Witness of Revelation. Because our reason is limited we need for God to reveal to us...
by | Jun 26, 2021 | Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Morality, Politics, Science, Suffering
Why do you believe in God? I have already written in my previous post about my first reason: the human mind. Our consciousness of this life, our reasoning and imagination logically requires an eternal perspective. But secondly, I believe in God because of Moral Sense....
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