by | Aug 21, 2020 | Aging, Bible, Church, Faith, God, Jesus, Politics, Prayer, Suffering, The World, Witness, Worship
“After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for just and true are his judgments’ … Then a voice came from the throne, saying: ‘Praise our God, all you his...
by | Aug 17, 2020 | Aging, Bible, Faith, God, Inspiration, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Politics, Suffering, The World
Charles Haddon Spurgeon. How can you be thankful in the midst of troubles and difficulties? Each of us has enough troubles and difficulties in our lives that can rob us of our joy. Revelation 14 & 15 gives us a picture of Christians who have been going through...
by | Aug 13, 2020 | Atheism, Bible, Church, Faith, God, Ministry, Morality, Movies, Politics, Science, Sexuality, Suffering, The World
On March 8, 1983, President Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union, the “evil empire” in a speech to the National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando. He said: “They preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man and predict its...
by | Aug 8, 2020 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Healing, Jesus, Morality, Politics, Suffering, The World
Why is so much world history about wars and battles between people, races and nations? Why is so much national politics about party divisions, competing ideas of justice, equality and liberty, class warfare, racial stereotypes, struggles for power, and personal...
by | Aug 4, 2020 | Faith, God, Jesus, Prayer, Suffering, The World, Worship
In the upper room during his last supper before his crucifixion Jesus promised his disciples, “You may ask me anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:14) Yet often it appears that our prayers are unanswered. Where can we find encouragement to pray? How do we...
by | Jul 29, 2020 | Bible, Faith, God, Inspiration, Jesus, Politics, Prayer, Suffering, The World
In his Inaugural Address in 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered his oft-quoted words: “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Zygmunt Bauman, one of the foremost social thinkers of our time, writes, Fear is at...
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