by | Jun 17, 2022 | Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Ministry, Witness
I am working on developing material for a class I am planning to teach in the Fall, God willing, on Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Here is an excerpt from Romans 4:17-25. “Abraham is the father of us all. As it is written: ‘I have made you a father of many...
by | Jun 12, 2022 | Atheism, Bible, Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Prayer, Witness, Worship
On Trinity Sunday I worshiped at Holy Trinity Anglican Church where the Athanasian Creed was part of the liturgy. While the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds are commonly used in worship the Athanasian Creed is not. It is included in the Book of Common Prayer where it is to...
by | Jun 8, 2022 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, The World
Personal relationships are at the heart of God. Personal relationships are at the heart of being made in the image of God, of being truly human, as opposed to being merely animal. Human perfection, or maturity, has to do with healthy personal relationships. Our...
by | Jun 2, 2022 | Aging, Faith, God, Inspiration, Jesus, Prayer, The World, Witness
I am feeling somewhat nostalgic as I view Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Seventy years in any role is an unusual accomplishment. I can remember when her father died in 1952 and she ascended the throne. On her Coronation Day I decorated my bicycle...
by | May 30, 2022 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Prayer, Witness, Worship
The coming of the Holy Spirit in power (Acts 2). The work of the Holy Spirit is to universalize and to internalize the presence of Jesus. The bodily presence of Jesus was succeeded by the Holy Spirit being always with us, wherever we may be, and entering into our...
by | May 28, 2022 | Bible, Church, Faith, God, Holy Spirit, Inspiration, Jesus, Ministry, Politics, Prayer, Reading, Science, The World, Witness, Worship
For 5 years from 1971 to 1976 I worked with Harold John Ockenga at Gordon College, Massachusetts. He was President of the college, I was Dean of Christian Life, the chaplain. He was at the same time President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary which was on an...
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