by | Jul 11, 2021 | Abortion, Aging, Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Politics, Science, Sexuality, Suffering, The World
The importance of human identity is constantly in the news. We are supposedly defined by our race, our gender, our sexual preference, our past, our abilities and our opportunities instead of by “the content of our character” (Martin Luther King Jr.). We are being...
by | Jul 2, 2021 | Abortion, Aging, Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Morality, Politics, Science, The World
Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow in their book, The Grand Design, maintain that God is not required for the existence of the universe. Instead the laws of gravity and quantum theory allow universes to appear spontaneously from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the...
by | Jun 23, 2021 | Abortion, Aging, Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, Jesus, Science, Suffering
One of the most frequent questions I get from strangers is, “Where are you from?” They detect that my accent is different from theirs. I have lived in the USA from 1971 and yet I still have a problem with “r’s”, and my “a’s” and “i’s” are similar. What an...
by | Jun 16, 2021 | Aging, Atheism, Bible, Faith, God, The World, Uncategorized, Worship
When I first held my newest grand-daughter, Erika, in my arms and looked at her, I asked, “Who are you? Where have you come from? What will your life be like?” Her perfectly formed face, eyes, nose, ears, fingers and toes fascinated me, as did my two daughters’ when...
by | Jun 11, 2021 | Aging, Faith, God, Healing, Jesus, Ministry, Prayer, Reading, Suffering, Witness
Today I turn eighty! How to make sense of attaining, what I have thought of as old age? I have outlived my father’s age and many of my friends. What will life be like in my eighties? My body has survived knee surgeries, a heart attack and arthritis. Thankfully my mind...
by | Jun 5, 2021 | Aging, Atheism, Bible, Church, Faith, God, Islam, Jesus, Ministry, Morality, Suffering, Witness
Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:13,14) A characteristic of...
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